[Openvpn-users] Disguising under https
Omer Faruk SEN
2017-05-18 08:30:57 UTC

I want to ask if there is a better method for Openvpn to work under https.
I have used method explained at
https://snikt.net/blog/2016/12/01/openvpn-over-https/ but even my firewall
blocks it. Is there a way that Openvpn binds to 443 and itself acts like a
https web server then if it sees a special HTTP header and a value it will
start to act like a real OpenVPN server.
I thinks this is the best way for openvpn works under https. Also Client
must act send that kind http header and value too. Maybe on openvpn

https*-server* enable
http-header: X-XXX-XXX
http-value: YYYYYYYY
http-header-value-encryption-key: <our-key-to encrypt-http-value>

on client:

https*-client *enable
http-header: X-XXX-XXX
http-value: YYYYYYYY
http-header-value-encryption-key: <our-key-to encrypt-http-value>

I am pretty sure someone has thought about before me so i am asking to this

Илья Шипицин
2017-05-18 08:39:52 UTC

maybe real https vpn will work better for you

like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenConnect
Post by Omer Faruk SEN
I want to ask if there is a better method for Openvpn to work under https.
I have used method explained at https://snikt.net/blog/2016/
12/01/openvpn-over-https/ but even my firewall blocks it. Is there a way
that Openvpn binds to 443 and itself acts like a https web server then if
it sees a special HTTP header and a value it will start to act like a real
OpenVPN server.
I thinks this is the best way for openvpn works under https. Also Client
must act send that kind http header and value too. Maybe on openvpn
https*-server* enable
http-header: X-XXX-XXX
http-value: YYYYYYYY
http-header-value-encryption-key: <our-key-to encrypt-http-value>
https*-client *enable
http-header: X-XXX-XXX
http-value: YYYYYYYY
http-header-value-encryption-key: <our-key-to encrypt-http-value>
I am pretty sure someone has thought about before me so i am asking to
this list.
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