[Openvpn-users] apps, gateway, and routes
David Mehler
2017-04-26 20:44:03 UTC

I'm running an Openvpn 2.4 server. I've got the option:

push "redirect-gateway def 1 bypass-dhcp"

set. I can ping the vpn server and the vpn server can ping a client.
I've got a setup of jails on this server, in the range, the
vpn server and clients are in the range.

Question, can the client access the host If not
will the option:

push "route"

be needed?

On the subject of Android mobile devices, I've got some Android 6 and
Android 7 devices. What are the differences between the openvpn for
android and openvpn connect apps? Which should I go with?

Jan Just Keijser
2017-04-30 21:37:15 UTC
Post by David Mehler
push "redirect-gateway def 1 bypass-dhcp"
set. I can ping the vpn server and the vpn server can ping a client.
I've got a setup of jails on this server, in the range, the
vpn server and clients are in the range.
Question, can the client access the host If not
push "route"
be needed?
that would be requirement #1; the second requirement is that the hosts
in network 10.0/8 have a route for the VPN range , i.e. they need to
know that all traffic coming from 192.168.9/24 needs to go back to the
VPN server
Post by David Mehler
On the subject of Android mobile devices, I've got some Android 6 and
Android 7 devices. What are the differences between the openvpn for
android and openvpn connect apps? Which should I go with?
the openvpn for android app is fully opensource, whereas the openvpn
connect is provided by OpenVPN Inc; the differences are mostly a matter
of taste, although the OpenVPN 4 Android app is closer to the open
source version of OpenVPN.


David Sommerseth
2017-04-30 23:25:13 UTC
Post by Jan Just Keijser
Post by David Mehler
On the subject of Android mobile devices, I've got some Android 6 and
Android 7 devices. What are the differences between the openvpn for
android and openvpn connect apps? Which should I go with?
the openvpn for android app is fully opensource, whereas the openvpn
connect is provided by OpenVPN Inc; the differences are mostly a matter
of taste, although the OpenVPN 4 Android app is closer to the open
source version of OpenVPN.
Correct. One additional detail about OpenVPN Connect vs OpenVPN for
Android. OpenVPN Connect is based on the new OpenVPN 3 core client
library [1] while OpenVPN for Android is based on the very well known
OpenVPN 2.x code base; in fact I wonder even if OpenVPN for Android is
quite bleeding edge, often being based on a 'git master' version rather
than an official OpenVPN 2.x release.
kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc
David Sommerseth
2017-04-30 23:26:11 UTC
Post by David Sommerseth
Post by Jan Just Keijser
Post by David Mehler
On the subject of Android mobile devices, I've got some Android 6 and
Android 7 devices. What are the differences between the openvpn for
android and openvpn connect apps? Which should I go with?
the openvpn for android app is fully opensource, whereas the openvpn
connect is provided by OpenVPN Inc; the differences are mostly a matter
of taste, although the OpenVPN 4 Android app is closer to the open
source version of OpenVPN.
Correct. One additional detail about OpenVPN Connect vs OpenVPN for
Android. OpenVPN Connect is based on the new OpenVPN 3 core client
library [1] while OpenVPN for Android is based on the very well known
OpenVPN 2.x code base; in fact I wonder even if OpenVPN for Android is
quite bleeding edge, often being based on a 'git master' version rather
than an official OpenVPN 2.x release.
And the [1] references:
kind regards,

David Sommerseth
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc
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