[Openvpn-users] question about easy-rsa
Mahawar, Sunil
2017-05-19 22:41:35 UTC
I loved easy-rsa tool and its user friendly interface. I am using this tool for one of my project for OpenHPC (http://openhpc.community ). However one my colleague pointed out that easy-rsa project is not an active project, its last release was 2 year back, last commit was June 2016, and there are multiple open issues on git hub (40), which are not yet addressed. So there was concern that any security related vulnerability (if found) will not be fixed in timely manner. Because of that I was asked to reevaluate easy-rsa utility for my use.
As per the documentation, easy-rsa development co-exists with OpenVPN, I am assuming that openvpn community will take care of any vulnerability in easy-rsa (if found). I will appreciate if someone on community confirm my assumption that openvpn community will also be maintain easy-rsa any vulnerability in this utility?

Thanks & Regards
-Sunil Mahawar
Eric Crist
2017-05-20 02:50:37 UTC

I am active and review the reported bugs. I recently completed my second book on OpenVPN and should shortly have an opportunity to work more actively on the project.

Eric Crist
Post by Mahawar, Sunil
I loved easy-rsa tool and its user friendly interface. I am using this tool for one of my project for OpenHPC (http://openhpc.community ). However one my colleague pointed out that easy-rsa project is not an active project, its last release was 2 year back, last commit was June 2016, and there are multiple open issues on git hub (40), which are not yet addressed. So there was concern that any security related vulnerability (if found) will not be fixed in timely manner. Because of that I was asked to reevaluate easy-rsa utility for my use.
As per the documentation, easy-rsa development co-exists with OpenVPN, I am assuming that openvpn community will take care of any vulnerability in easy-rsa (if found). I will appreciate if someone on community confirm my assumption that openvpn community will also be maintain easy-rsa any vulnerability in this utility?
Thanks & Regards
-Sunil Mahawar
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