[Openvpn-users] [EXTERNAL] Re: Custom Tun Interface name while establishing client connection
Lamsoge, Abhijit
2017-04-20 05:24:44 UTC
Thanks for the pointer.

The solution is to define in config file(in my case client.conf) while spawning openvpn daemon.
“dev tun<whatever-name-string>” instead of “dev tun”

From: ***@mindef.nl [mailto:***@mindef.nl]
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2017 9:59 PM
To: Lamsoge, Abhijit <***@harman.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Openvpn-users] Custom Tun Interface name while establishing client connection

Yes, that is possible, see the man-page.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

Op 19 apr. 2017 om 15:43 heeft Lamsoge, Abhijit <***@harman.com<mailto:***@harman.com>> het volgende geschreven:

Hi All,

I want to create multiple VPN client connections from Host A to different VPN servers at the same time.

So for ex:

Local Machine -> VPN-Germany

Local Machine-> VPN-US

Local Machine-> VPN-Russia

and so on.

I am able to create these multiple connection at the same time.

With interfaces getting created like tun0, tun1, tun2 etc.

I wanted to know

1) If its possible to provide the name of TUN interface while creating such connections ? Like VPN to Germany may create "tunGermany" as interface name instead of "tun0" while establishing a connection ?

Note:- At this point I am not much worried about default gateway and packet routing.



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