[Openvpn-users] OpenVPN 2.3.15 released (with security fixes)
Samuli Seppänen
2017-05-11 14:19:49 UTC
The OpenVPN community project team is proud to release OpenVPN 2.3.15.
It can be downloaded from here:


OpenVPN v2.4.0 was audited for security vulnerabilities independently by
Quarkslabs (funded by OSTIF) and Cryptography Engineering (funded by
Private Internet Access) between December 2016 and April 2017. The
primary findings were two remote denial-of-service vulnerabilities.
Fixes to them have been backported to v2.3.15. Our official security
announcement is here:


A summary of the changes is available here:


A full list of changes is available here:


For generic help use these support channels:

Official documentation:
Wiki: <https://community.openvpn.net>
Forums: <https://forums.openvpn.net>
User mailing list: <http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=48978>
User IRC channel: #openvpn at irc.freenode.net

Please report bugs and ask development questions here:

Bug tracker and wiki: <https://community.openvpn.net>
Developer mailing list: <http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=48978>
Developer IRC channel: #openvpn-devel at irc.freenode.net (requires
Freenode registration)
Samuli SeppÀnen
Community Manager
OpenVPN Technologies, Inc

irc freenode net: mattock
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